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Grade 12


Grade 12 is the time for the students to explore new and different subfields of illustration and animation, such as puppet animation and 3d Modelling.


For Grade 12 in the Animation and GI strand, the students were challenged to do tasks and assessments with professional-level software commonly used in studios, which are Adobe CC, ToonBoom Harmony, and Blender, a well-known 3d program.


The question Teachers had to tackle throughout the school year was, “How do we make sure that the students are learning these new programs to the fullest? How can we make sure that even after graduating Senior High School, the students are already well-equipped to handle professional-level jobs?” and with those questions, we made sure that each of their assessments would bring the students a new challenge while simultaneously making sure that it’s not pushing them too much especially in the online set-up.


For their 3d Finals, the students were asked to model a room that they’d like to live in. As shown in their works, the students are now very confident with the way they handle the technicalities of 3d modeling, such as lighting and even the quality of their rendering.


For their 2d Methodology class, the students were asked to show the best works they did throughout the school year, showing that they have greatly improved with their technical skills.

3D Works


Dear Stranger

By: Manaloto - AN12C

Anya Ysabel Perez


Diaz J


Avryll Nartates


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